The Armfield FEL6 lysimeter consists of three 300mm
diameter containers in which a variety of crop types can be
grown in any soil type.
Each container can then in turn be placed on a hydraulically
mounted plate, which is used to monitor system weight
changes arising from evapotranspiration, precipitation
and drainage.
Despite its simplicity, the apparatus has a high degree of
sensitivity and may be used for student project work as well
as for demonstration purposes.
Experimental Content
Study of the evapotranspiration measurement
by use of a lysimeter
Study of a lysimeter operation
Determine lysimeter sensitivity to gains and losses in
weight at different manometer angles and to relate this
to gains or losses in water
Demonstrate the components of the soil-plant-water
system using the lysimeter
Measuring the variations of water loss or gain from the soil and plant
due to evapotranspiration, precipitation and drainage processes
Demonstrate the principles of relationships between reference crop
evapotranspiration, maximum and actual evapotranspiration
Determination of the plants water usage
Determine changes in diurnal evapotranspiration as measured
by the lysimeter
Armfield,FEL6,Demonstration Lysimeter