Use:General utility standalone frames
General utility standalone frames for testing cubes and cylinders
50-C13Z00, 50-C23Z00 and 50-C34Z00, 1500kN, 2000kN and 3000kN cap, frames consist of a rigid welded steel structure, with spherical seat and platens suitable for testing cylinders and cubes (see TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS table). Supplied complete with pressure transducer, flexible plastic fragment guards and connection kit for separate control console. Pedestal and ridig front door not included, see Accessories.
General utility standalone frames for cubes, cylinders and blocks
50-C25Z00 and 50-C35Z00 feature a rigid welded steel structure, with spherical seat and compression platens 310x510 mm suitable for blocks, cylinders up to dia.160x320mm and cubes up to 200mm (see TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS table).