Use:When adhering a strain gauge to a specimen, it is necessary to press the strain gauge until the adhesive hardens.
When adhering a strain gauge to a specimen, it is necessary to press the strain gauge until the adhesive hardens. PRESSEE not only applies pressure (PRESS) on the strain gauge, but is also a pressing jig allowing a strain gauge to be checked visually (SEE) from the clear pressing portion. Using PRESSEE saves time in having to keep pressing with the fingers, and a constant pressure on a strain gauge allows stable adhesion quality. The position of the strain gauge, flow of the adhesive, and other aspects can also be checked visually while pressure is applied.
-Magnetic method stabilizes the pressing force and adhesion quality
-As the pressing part is clear, you can check the bonding status with your eyes
-Spring mechanism enables easy attachment and removal with weak force
-Work efficiency is improved because other work can be carried out during pressing