• HJC黄金城

    EPC Products Transducer & Data logger Strain Gauge High Endurance DSF series High Endurance Strain Gauge
    DSF series High Endurance Strain Gauge

    Model:DSF series High Endurance Strain Gauge

    Use:These gauges are designed for fatigue tests, and can reach a fatigue life of over 10 million times at a strain level of ±3000 με.


    These gauges are designed for fatigue tests, and can reach a fatigue life of over 10 million times at a strain level of ±3000 με. Compared to previously (1 million times at ±1500με), these are gauges of exceptionally high durability.
    In aviation and other areas, repeated load tests of large elongation of composite materials are conducted. However, it had been necessary to adhere a new strain gauge frequently as a gauge reached its fatigue life. The DSF series greatly reduces time and cost of adhering gauges.

    Applicable specimen

    Metal, Composite materials

    Operational temperature(°C)

    -60 to +200°C

    Temperature compensation range(°C)


    Applicable adhesive

    CN, EB-2B, C-1




    Special alloy

    Strain limit

    1% (10000×10-6 strain)

    Fatigue life at room temperature

    1×107 (±3000×10-6 strain)

    * Because this strain gauge is not self-temperature-compensated, it is recommended to preliminarily measure thermal output of this strain gauge using a dummy specimen which is made of the same material as the test specimen.

    Project Case
