• HJC黄金城

    EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing Geophysical Exploration Shallow Seismic Methods Weight Drop Controller
    Weight Drop Controller

    Model:Weight Drop Controller

    Use:Weight Drop Operation


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    Weight Drop Controller (WDC): Weight Drop Operation On Seismic Crews

    The Weight Drop Controller (WDC) System is a completely integrated solution for controlling an accelerated Weight Drop Unit (Thumper)

    The Weight Drop Controller unit consists of the following:

    o    Weight Drop Relay Control System

    o    Radio Trigger Module (RTM)

    o    Remote Control Box

    o    Radio

    o    Hammer Switch

    The Weight Drop Controller provides following features:

    o    Automatic cycling with user entered number of hits

    o    Time Delay Display (Time from fire command to hit)

    o    GPS interface for position and timing

    o    Remote Control Box

    o    Controlled performance of the Weight Drop Units from the recorder

    Project Case
