Model:DAQlink 4
Use:Networked Seismic Recording System
Standard:JTG/T C22-2009、DZ/T 0153-1995 、gb50021-2017、SY/T 6052-2000
The Distributed DAQlink 4 System is the combination of a standard DAQlink 4 seismograph and internal, high-speed, network extenders. Using inexpensive twisted pair telephones cable, these network extenders will send triggering times and receive seismic data from other DAQlinks. These cable links can send reach 10,000 ft, or three kilometers in length.
The entire system is connected to a computer which controls the seismograph network and stores the acquired seismic data. This computer can be simultaneously providing Quality Control as the project is acquired. The final data files can be stored in SEG‑2, SEG‑D, SEG-Y, ASCII or MiniSEED format.