• HJC黄金城

    EPC Products Industrial Testing Metal Testing INTROCOR M-150
    INTROCOR M-150


    Use:The scanner INTROCOR M-150 is designed to non-destructively inspect plates from ferrous steel, e.g. above storage tank floor, wall, and roof, for corrosion and cracks.


    Related Products

    General Information

    The scanner INTROCOR M-150 is designed to non-destructively inspect plates from ferrous steel, e.g. above storage tank floor, wall, and roof, for corrosion and cracks. The scanner can reveal and discriminate defects on inner and outer surfaces of the plate, and identify surface where defects are located. Inspection is possible even the plate has protecting non-ferrous coating, and requires only one side access. The instrument utilizes magnetic flux leakage principle of operation. It contains strong permanent magnets to magnetize the steel plate. If the steel plate is degraded, e.g. corroded or contains cracks, the flux leakage above plate changes and sensor pick this change. Signal from sensor is transferred to tablet PC, where it is processed with special imbedded software.

    INTROCOR M-150 is a reliable and effective equipment to inspect integrity of above ground storage tanks. The instrument acquires such defects, as transverse cracks, pitting, and general corrosion. Besides measurement of actual steel plate thickness and thickness of protecting coating is possible. The instrument consists of the MFL scanner and processing & displaying unit (PDU) , which controls the operation of the equipment, stores data, and makes downloading for analysis with the software Wintrocor. INTROCOR M-150 is proved to be cost effective, easy to operate, accurate and reliable mean to inspect tank floor, roof, walls, as well as vessels and other steel structures.

    Technical specification

    Principle of operation

    Magnetic Flux Leakage

    Embedded sensors

    Hall effect and eddy current

    Number of Hall effect sensors


    Number of eddy current sensors


    Inspected surface

    Inner and outer

    Scan width

    150 mm

    Method of movement


    Inspection speed

    From 0 to 1 m/s

    Steel thickness, maximum

    From 4 to 16 mm

    Test through coating

    Yes, if non-ferrous

    Coating thickness, maximum

    6 mm

    Project Case
