An electromechanical system with integrated controls and angle of gyration measurement drives the G2. Users define compaction mode, specimen size, number of gyrations, target height, pressure, and angle of gyrations using the control panel. The G2 compacts material at a constant pressure and angle of gyration. It gyrates at a fixed speed. An integrated extruder conveniently expels specimens from molds. The enclosed compaction chamber keeps the user safe. And, two USB ports and an Ethernet jack make exporting and printing compaction data easy.
The G2 accommodates 150- and 100-mm specimens. Pine manufactures the standard machine to make 150-mm specimens. However, the 100-mm Conversion Kit along with a 100-mm Mold Assembly allow for the compaction of 100-mm specimens.
Some asphalt mixes containing rubber expand while cooling if the specimen is not constrained. Holding the specimen in the machine until it cools addresses this problem. Pine provides an optional Cooling Door Kit for the G2. A fan in the door accelerates specimen cooling. And, a shorter cooling time increases potential machine throughput.
Pine’s G2 Superpave Gyratory Compactor runs three compaction modes. Number of Gyrations applies a user-defined number of gyrations to the specimen. Compact to Height concludes compaction when a user-defined height is reached. Locking Points stops compaction when the height change between subsequent gyrations is equal to or less than a user-specified height change.
Customers love the G2 because it is simple to operate, the machine functions consistently, G2’s experience few problems, and Pine supports it well.